This week I sat down with Dr. Jeff Russell, Associate Professor of Athletic Training and Director of Science and Health in Artistic Performance (SHAPe) at Ohio University. Dr. Russell recently presented his research on Generalized Joint Hypermobility in the musician at the 2019 Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) annual symposium. He holds a PhD in Dance Medicine and Science from the University of Wolverhampton in England and is a Fellow of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science (FIADMS) as well as a member of the Research Advisory Group of Cirque du Soleil.
This week we're talking about Generalized Joint Hypermobility in musicians and it's musculoskeletal effects. Make sure to check out our podcast interview now streaming on SoundCloud and iTunes. Mentions from the episode are available in the info below including how you can reach Dr. Russell.
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Rehabilitation Squeeze Tools
COMING SOON! Get the finger stability flexion/extension tool mentioned by Dr. Russell right here in our online store!
The SHAPe Clinic at Ohio University
Dr. Russells bio states that, "SHAPe comprises three components of performing arts medicine: clinical care of injured performing artists, applied research in the medical aspects of performing arts, and education. Dr. Russell and his team of athletic trainers care for and study artists in dance, music, theater, entertainment, and marching band."
Find the SHAPe Clinic here.
Where to Find Dr. Russell
Dr. Russell works at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.
Research Work and Publications
Article on Sound Exposure in Marching Band
Publication in American Music Teacher regarding musician wellness.
Be sure to check out the Musician Health Resource Instagram feed for more quick tips from Dr. Russell and daily information regarding musician health and wellness. Connect with us wherever you like to consume media. We're on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube as well.
Remember, our bodies should never limit our art so learn how to train like an athlete to play like a musician.
Less pain and more music!