Happy New Year!
Musician Health Resource is barely one month old but the new year is already looking promising! Here’s what you can expect:
I’m already writing them, you’re (hopefully) already reading them. And every Monday you can visit this page to check for a new one. It’s going to be filled with information that fits roughly into one of four categories.
1. Rest and Recover
You may be recovering from an injury, in the middle of rehabilitation, experiencing mild discomfort or pain (which is probably all of us…) or just interested in preventing these problems (which should be all of us…). Whichever one it is, I’ll be doing my best to let you know about massage therapists, acupuncturists, physicians, chiropractors and at home remedies you can apply to most of these issues.
I, however, cannot emphasize enough that if you are experiencing any extreme pain you should IMMEDIATELY seek out medical attention. Don’t wait. I’m not an expert and, while I will do my best to relay expert information and advice to you, I do not have the answers for what is wrong. In fact, some of these stretches or exercises, if your body is unprepared for them, could intensify problems. You need to see a doctor and I cannot encourage you enough to do so.
2. Finding Fitness
Expert athletes all cross train and so should musicians. Want to increase breath capacity? Climb a mountain. Looking to build endurance? Run a 5k. Muscles aching? Stretch out with yoga. You get the idea.
Every musician is essentially an upper body athlete and it’s important that we train at and away from our instrument. In Finding Fitness posts I’ll be talking about cross training exercises and how they apply to all musicians.
3. Motivational Mindsets
Science has already proven the power of visualization. This is an especially important tool for musicians because we can use visualization for practical memorization skills and auditory benefits. AND we can also use this to quiet our inner critic through meditation and positive mantras as well as mentally preparing ourselves for large auditions or recitals.
4. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Lastly, I’ll be bringing you methods and practice tips that maximize your time practicing so you can accomplish more with less work, less time and less pain. Sounds pretty good, huh?
I am INCREDIBLY excited about this. The blogs each week will be building on information from conversations I have with experts in various fields. Each podcast will tie into one or more of the fields and will be the perfect way to pass time during your commute.
If you’re not already following @MusicianHealthResource on Instagram, please go follow it now! It’s going to keep you up to date daily on when blogs, podcasts and reviews are posted. It’s also going to bring you a weekly “quick tip” video from the expert of the week.
I’m very happy to announce that this spring I will be traveling to other West Coast cities to talk with experts in other communities. While there is a wealth of information and talent here in Los Angeles, there are music communities around the world and my goal is to connect you with experts in your neighborhoods.
If you have a city you'd like to have me visit, feel free to shoot me an email, I'd love to hear from you!
I hope you are as excited as I am about what’s to come in 2018. Remember, your body should never limit your art so train like an athlete to play like a musician.
Health and happiness,