This week I sat down with Liz Huston, a harpist and concert producer specializing in new music who recently moved from Philadelphia to the Los Angeles area and maintains a busy bi-coastal schedule. She shared with me about the physical trials of moving the harp, an instrument where injury is not uncommon, and her excitement and enthusiasm for producing and playing contemporary compositions.
You can now listen to our podcast interview on SoundCloud or iTunes before checking out the links below to find out more about Liz. If you enjoy, please subscribe so that PE for Musicians can move up the algorithm and reach a larger group of musicians in need. Thanks!
Connect with Liz
Mentions from the Podcast
Kaleidoscope - Los Angeles based new music ensemble
Synchromy - Los Angeles based new music ensemble
Klang - Philadelphia Fringe Performance
Bowerbird - Philadelphia based non-profit art production
Pig Iron - Philadelphia theater company
Arcana - Philadelphia new music ensemble
Erik Ruin - Cut paper animator
Hear Samples
There's a quick tip from Liz posted on the Musician Health Resource Instagram, make sure to follow along there if you're not already. And for advice on breathing techniques you can implement to help alleviate stress, check out Monday's blog post for six tips. Remember, our bodies should never limit our art so learn how to train like an athlete to play like a musician.
Health and happiness,