Interview with Jennie Morton - Osteopath Specializing in the Treatment of Performing Artists

This week's podcast guest is Jennie Morton. Jennie is an Osteopath specializing in the treatment of performing artists and is currently an adjunct professor at Chapman University in the Dance Department as well as the Wellness instructor at the prestigious Colburn Conservatory of Music in Los Angeles. In addition to these positions and her private practice, she is the author of the book, "The Authentic Performer: Wearing a Mask and the Effect on Health" which has become required reading at several universities. She is on the Board of Directors at the Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) and, in addition to a BS in Osteopathy, she holds an MS in Psychology.


Jennie is a true wealth of information and this week's episode, which is now streaming on SoundCloud and iTunes, is slightly longer than past interviews as we discuss the physical toll our emotions can take on our playing and the ways this impacts the learning and performance process. Below are links where you can find Jennie and her work as well as mentions from the interview.


If you are enjoying listening to the Musician Health Resource podcast, please subscribe or leave a review. These actions help boost the appearance in the iTunes algorithm and allows this valuable information to reach a greater audience. Please also feel free to share on your social media platforms or give a personal referral to a friend or fellow musician.


And lastly, I love hearing from readers and listeners so feel free to email me or comment and I am always happy to respond! Physical and mental pain can feel incredibly isolating but the reality is, we are not alone.


Find Jennie

Website and Practice


Colburn Bio

Chapman Bio



Videos and Webinars


Purchase Jennie's Book - "The Authentic Performer: Wearing a Mask and the Effect on Health"


Podcast Mentions

List of Decibel Meter Apps

Graphs of Teen Depression and Cell Phone/Social Media Usage

The Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA)


Head over to the Musician Health Resource Instagram page to read a quick tip from Jennie and follow along to stay up to date and informed on all that's happening . And, if you missed the blog post yesterday, I researched Jennie's support of rest and put together a read on the way our brains use rest and time away from our instruments to process long-term memories. Remember, our bodies should never limit our art or our joy so learn how to train like an athlete to play like a musician.

Health and happiness,


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  • Feb 22, 2018
  • Category: Blog
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