This week's podcast guest is Breana Gilcher, an oboist working in Los Angeles who has a very personal story of pain and willingly shared her journey, thoughts on musician wellness and ways she keeps her mental and physical health on track in a stressful industry.
I am so grateful to Breana for sitting down and chatting with me this week and I hope to create a platform where more musicians feel comfortable coming forward and sharing. Breana has not only willingly shared her own story but now makes it a priority to help other musicians find relief and recovery tools that can work for them by running an online Facebook page where she shares a variety of articles about musician health, both physical and mental.
Check out the show notes below to find links to Breana as well as her Wellness for Musician's page and be sure to check out our podcast, streaming now on iTunes and SoundCloud.
Lastly, if you've been enjoying these podcasts, learning beneficial information or find the topics relevant to yourself and other music educators, please share! The best advertising is always a personal referral. I ask you to consider taking a moment to subscribe, leaving a review or sharing on your social media pages so that this information can move up the algorithm and reach a larger audience. Thank you for listening and enjoy!
Where to Find Breana
Wellness for Musicians Facebook Page
Performing Arts Medicine is a relatively recent movement receiving formal recognition less than 40 years ago, for a brief summary on Performing Arts Medicine and musician wellness, check out yesterday's blog post. And, as always, you can get tips and updates from following along on the Musician Health Resource Instagram page.
Remember, our bodies should never limit our art so learn how to train like an athlete to play like a musician.
Less pain and more music!